nice to meet you!

As a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, I am dedicated to uncovering the underlying factors contributing to your chronic health issues. I employ advanced diagnostic labs to provide insightful analyses to tailor my approach to each individual's unique needs. I believe that understanding your health journey is paramount, and I am committed to guiding you every step of the way.

Authenticity is at the core of my philosophy. I encourage you to share your health story, as it is that narrative that truly differentiates us in an expansive landscape of self healthcare options. If you find yourself reading my mission and resonate with my voice, you are likely in the right place for your health transformation.

As it is no accident you are here, it surely is no accident how I made it here. My health story is eerily similar to a lot of people struggling with their health. I went on birth control at 14 to help my painful periods, struggled with migraines and ADHD as well as sleep disturbances and heartburn throughout the years. In 2018, I took a hepatitis A vaccine before I left the country for a vacation and when I returned from vacation, everything turned upside down.

I was suddenly extremely nauseous 24/7, fatigued, no appetite and no end in sight with GI upset being my main complaint. After going to the emergency room, countless doctors appointments, specialists and even had an upper endoscopy over the course of 18 months, they told me “everything was normal”. I grasped at any diagnosis any doctor could possibly give me just to have some answers, but the only things I got were being diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease and experimenting with different prescription medications that had terrible side effects.

That is when I started to deeply question everything, thanks to my mom for leading the curiosity as she saw me continue to struggle. We sought out and found a holistic MD who worked almost identical to how I do now (minus the MD part, I never give medical advice nor am I a medical professional). Her wait list was 3 months but it was well worth it. I did multiple comprehensive labs with her (majority of which I am now offering the same exact labs to my clients), found out the inflammation in my body was out of control and the hepatitis A vaccine I had gotten was ultimately the tipping point for my poor body. I went on a healing protocol that involved supplements and lifestyle changes and within a couple of months, I started to finally feel some relief. From then, my perspective on health and various dysfunctions has been completely transformed. I am dedicated to giving people the hope that I yearned for in my health journey and help them feel the best they can while providing some clarity.

Begin Your Journey Toward Optimal Health


  • Practitioners who sign insurance company contracts often discover that they can't deliver optimum care. Instead, care is rationed. Patients/clients must be dismissed before they are fully healed. Many necessary services aren’t even covered, especially in the area of prevention, nutrition and functional lab testing. Limiting care is profitable for the insurance company, but it can compromise patient/client satisfaction--and our reputation.

    To maximize profit, insurance companies hire people to review our recommendations. Most of these “gatekeepers” lack even a working knowledge of functional medicine or clinical nutrition. It may even amount to "practicing medicine without a license."

    Worse, most insurance companies seem more interested in paper than patients. Huge amounts of paperwork are often required. It's time- consuming, raises costs and takes us away from our primary mission of helping our patients and clients get and stay well. And insurance company contracts also attempt to govern how we run our business.

    Your health is your most valuable possession. Please don't gamble it with a practitioner who may try to serve two masters, or who was merely the lowest bidder.

    Should you reach the same conclusions we have, please call or write so that we may demonstrate what affordable, yet independent functional medicine and clinical nutrition can do for you.

  • This varies from person to person for obvious reasons, especially when most people with chronic health ailments experience what is called a "healing crisis."

    A healing crisis is in effect when the body is in the process of elimination. Reactions may be mild or they may be severe. One should expect this and work toward it. The body’s inherent desire is perfect health. We have the ability to earn our way back to that state, or closer to it. The body must go through an elimination process to achieve good health. There will be ups and downs. One does not go immediately into good health. Reed Davis, FDN Practitioner and Health Director of the San Diego Natural Health & Fitness Center in Southern California calls this the “healing crisis.”

    A healing crisis results when all body systems work in concert to eliminate waste products and set the stage for regeneration. Old tissues are replaced with new. A disease crisis, on the other hand, is not a natural one and works against the body’s natural processes. Symptoms during a healing crisis may be identical to the disease, but there is an important difference – elimination. A cleansing, purifying process is underway and stored wastes are in a free-flowing state. Sometimes pain during the crisis is of greater intensity than when the chronic disease is building up. Davis says this may explain why there may be a brief flare-up in one’s condition.

    The crisis will usually bring about past conditions in whatever order the body is able to handle them at the time. People often forget the disease or injuries they have had in the past, but are usually reminded during the crisis. Reactions could include skin eruptions, nausea, headache, sleeplessness, unusual fatigue, diarrhea, head or chest cold, ear infections, boils, or any other way the body uses to loosen and eliminate toxins. The crisis usually lasts three days, but if the energy of the patient is low it may last for a week or more. The body needs juices, and especially water, to help carry off the toxins. This is a time for rest – mental as well as physical rest.

    One crisis is not always enough for a complete cure. The person in a chronic state, who has gone through many disease processes in life, must go through these processes again. Often, the crisis will come after one feels his or her very best, setting the stage for the action. Most people feel energy boost the first few days. Then toxins are dumped into the bloodstream for elimination. Davis recommends going as slowly as your body needs to go so that your elimination is gradual and comfortable.

    There are no guarantees as each individual is different, however, I can guarantee that I will provide clarity and comprehensive guidance for your health concerns.

  • For the 90-day health rebuilding program, expect supplements to initially cost anywhere from $300-$500, with the cost of refills varying as clients may not need refills of certain supplements. The cost of supplements are not included in the price of the 90-day health rebuilding program.

  • As an FDN-P (Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner), I do not diagnose, treat or give medical advice. Instead, I focus non-specifically on addressing dysfunctions and the underlying causes of malfunction. I have worked with clients that have had great success managing their migraines, painful and irregular menstrual cycles, PMS, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease and more. My approach aims to support the whole body and the systems to help bring the body back to homeostasis, promoting overall health and wellness.

  • I accept multiple forms of payment, two of which being afterpay and Klarna that gives the clients the ability to pay in installments.

  • Because our body works like a machine with all of the moving parts communicating with each other and working together, it is ideal to run multiple labs. When we only run one lab, we have questions about what certain markers would be on another lab to connect and correlate the two. For example, hormones and the gut are very connected with each other. When we run a lab just on the hormones, it raises questions on how the gut is functioning and communicating via the hormones. It is better to run multiple labs to get a whole picture to connect the dots which is why I offer the 90-day health rebuilding program at a lower price with 90 days of 1:1 coaching than what each one individually would be with 90 days of 1:1 coaching because I don't want to miss anything and am fully committed to helping people feel their best.

  • Supplements are not a cure all, but the right supplements can be very supportive and make a world of a difference!

    The supplements I utilize are not your regular supplements that just anyone can purchase. It requires a certified practitioner (myself) to have access to these supplements of such high quality. They are "therapeutic grade" and therefore should be used with much caution and proper guidance.

    I also utilize the labs to correlate the right supplements that are needed so there is no guessing! A lot of the time, people hear about how great a supplement is for various reasons from others and purchase them from a public retailer and find no results which is usually because of a couple reasons:

    1. You didn't need that supplement for support.

    2. Healing your body and achieving results is a whole production. One or a few supplements without certainty they are right for you is not enough. There is a process to follow and the right tools are needed to achieve results and support full body healing and restoration.